Reviews from

in the past

Finally getting around to checking this series out with the recent remasters and remakes, and while First Departure had its fun moments amid some occasional frustrations, this one was absolutely awesome. I liked the setting a lot, it felt more sci-fi than the first game (which just felt like fantasy except for the very beginning and end), and I felt like I had a better grasp on the systems at play. The main characters are fun, solid archetypes; the fact you can't see all party members in one playthrough isn't my favorite, but I liked the team I assembled at least. Ashton with Creepy and Weepy was a particular favorite. Had a much better handle on the combat this time around, although some bosses still felt on the cheap side. The ending came a little abruptly but it was very satisfying.

very unique JRPG for the time with a lot of cool paths the game allows you to take, I don't think it reinvented the wheel or anything but it certainly felt like my adventure was my own which I always appreciate.

Also had one of the better battle systems for one of the original ARPGs