Reviews from

in the past

So, I played it on NSO with three other people with plenty of lag that made even basic jumps a true challenge to pull off, especially with three other people pushing you off the platform because they want the most rupees. RUPEES. You collect rupees together, a whole bunch of them, and the aim is to finish levels with the most rupees. If one of you gets knocked out, you lose rupees, and if you have no rupees left to lose, it's game over. So the rupees go into a big shared pool, but at the end of a stage, you're ranked based on the amount of rupees you collected. This throws teamwork completely out of the window, if it wasn't already. If you care about the ranking, you'll actively avoid helping the others out or even sabotage them so you can get the most treasure. This can go from waiting for the other player to do something then coming in and grabbing the rupees or chests that appeared, or the more nefarious hitting other players off of platforms so you can be the first to get to the loot. Now, say you don't have this infuriating problem of the game turning it into a free-for-all, then you're still not safe. Taking on enemies with the four of you usually means that you'll get in each other's way constantly because sword strikes hit other players as well. If you have four players on a small platform, chances are you'll push each other off just by standing too close. You can also pick other players up, and there's nothing they can do but mash for dear life to get free. It can happen by accident, it can be funny, but mostly it gets really annoying and takes control away entirely when it happens. It can be a good way of making the game more manageable in a tough platforming situation but then why is the game designed for four players at all?? The game design just does not seem made with four players in mind. It allows four of them, sure, but having actually played it, you constantly get in each other's way and the rupee ranking actively encourages you to sabotage teamwork if you want to win.

So, the multiplayer aspect aside... it's not very interestingly designed as a whole either, honestly. Painfully simple puzzles and uninteresting locales with multiplayer gimmicks that felt like they made boss fights last longer instead of making them more fun. We were running around not knowing what exactly the game expected us to do on multiple occasions, since the game’s puzzles and boss fights can be quite odd in their approach compared to the usually rather intuitive zelda puzzles. Maybe it's more bearable with two or three players and when you ignore the rupee ranking aspect, but as a whole, it's just brimming with flaws and doesn't even make for a 'stupid' good time where you turn your brain off and laugh with buddies.