Reviews from

in the past

Really enjoyable and creative rpg.

It’s just a fun game all around :)

pretty janky on switch, clearly not designed for it

Simplesmente um dos melhores jogos Indie, foi jogar esse jogo sem expectativa, nessa época eu não curtia muito jogos pixel art, então foi jogar meio que com um preconceito desse jogo, mas esse jogo muito minha visão e hoje amo jogos pixel art, a história de perfeita, trilha sonora perfeita, e personagens que fazem você chorar se você fizer a Rota Genocida, Todos os Finais são perfeitos, e a gameplay e muito boa tambem

que coisa linda a cena da montanha
eu amo o Papyrus

played through this at launch, loved it, then convinced myself it was "cringe," and now that i've replayed it i don't know what the fuck i was on. one of my favorite stories in gaming, bravo vince

peak story
peak music
peak fiction

it’s a coffin. There’s a name engraved on it. « Wh+re. »

one of the most compelling stories of any game ive ever played, one of the best soundtracks ever, and very funny. hard but not obnoxious. fun gameplay.

I will never let the fanbase spoil my love for this game

There was internet drama over this beating FF7 in some GameFAQs poll which I think is fitting, because this is definitely the zoomer's FF7 in terms of impat on the genre, and I don't say that as an insult.

ну чота кал но пох я прошел на хайпе

Sick music and fights, lacking in content

Ill never forgive myself for hating on this for years

i have 'completed it' but i haven't done all of the endings because that sounds like the most tedious thing on earth

I'm still mad at myself for spoiling myself on this game because I thought I would never have a pc to play it

Incredible game with super interesting story and lore.

im so glad i played this game after those people died down