Reviews from

in the past

Una historia llena de giritos y una ambientación chulísima para un juego estupendo que bebe mucho de otros como Limbo o Inside, pero dependiendo más de un excelente reparto para contar su historia.

Los cambios de perspectiva y de jugabilidad funcionan muy bien y, si bien algunas partes (principalmente las que son en 3D) son algo menos interesantes, lo he disfrutado un montón de principio a fin.


A story full of twists and a really cool setting for a great game that takes a lot of inspiration from others like Limbo or Inside, but relying more on a very strong cast to tell its story.

The changes in perspective and gameplay work really well and, although some parts (mostly the 3D ones) are a bit less interesting, I had a great time with it all the way through.

Un jeu qui, honnêtement, m'a beaucoup plus malgré le fait qu'il soit très narratif.

Una divertida aventura variada y llena de giros que consigue entretener todo el rato. El único problema que le veo es que a veces no llegan en lo técnico a las ideas que tienen en mente.

I really like the ideas presented here. The platforming is basic, and the puzzles are basic too, but the story was handled very well, and I think it has the best ending possible, which was really what drew me in to begin with. So yeah, pick it up if you've got the time. It's pretty good.

Out of The Blue's sophomore title has something to prove, and I think it succeeds immensely. This game has the hook of "Truman Show but make it about 24/7 twitch-style livestreams with a dash of corporate espionage thriller," takes it, and by the end of the game, turns it on its head. It humbly wears its influences on its sleeve (Inside, first person walking sims like Firewatch, The Stanley Parable, et cetera.) but stylizes itself in such a unique way that it stands on its own in a way.

Overall? Sure, the writing's a bit heavy-handed, the story's conclusion (however well written and cynically realistic it may be) leaves a bittersweet taste in the mouth, and it's clear there hasn't been a lot of stability patches to prevent glitches and crashes (I actually thought the game was making an Undertale-style fourth wall break with a well timed crash at the literal most pivotal point of the climax. It was not.), but overall: This game rules, plain and simple.

I would compare it to a really, REALLY good movie that doesn't have much influence on the greater culture as a whole. Is it interesting? Yes. Did I enjoy it and would I recommend it? Absolutely? Do I think this game will be the lynchpin of game design for the next decade. Nah. But that's alright. It doesn't have to.

Yuri Lowenthal screams a lot in this game and it's funny 8/10