Reviews from

in the past

Very high quality graphics for a 2018 indie RPG (especially the environments,) and mechanically it's a decent reinterpretation of classic Fallout, but the meat of this game is pretty dull; I cannot think of an RPG that made me fight more giant rats and spiders than this game. It has all the components you'd expect from this sort of RPG: struggling villages, upstart warlords, mysterious bunkers, dangerous mutants, etc. However, it mostly just has those components, and they never really develop these concepts in exciting ways, which is kind of required for these Fallout style RPGs since they can't hope to compete with the mechanical depth of more combat focused RPGs. The best you'll get is the storyline revolving around the bandit chief and the first village in the game, but frankly it's pretty typical "act 1" stuff in an RPG. As for the main story: well, the final boss is up there for me in my "half-assed villains with zero charisma that are utterly inconsequential to the vast majority of the game" tier list.

Going back to the combat, I do like the idea of the armor penetration system and damage thresholds in this sort of RPG. I never felt they were particularly relevant in New Vegas, but here there's at least some interesting gameplay early on where you might use weapons you're not as good with just because they're the only things that'll penetrate enemy armor. Sadly, this part of the combat more or less disappears after you get out of the early-game. Oh well it's the thought that counts.

Overall, I'm just sort of left with a feeling of "it's alright I guess." I wouldn't discourage someone from playing this game, but unless they're are really interested in RPGs with dodgy and sometimes amusing translations, I'm not sure why I'd ever recommend this game to someone. If you want Fallout but also STALKER, I dunno just play STALKER again with some mods because you're really not getting a particularly good version of either here.