Reviews from

in the past

At first very faithful to super Metroid, but the glitchiness gets so fun!! So many weapons and upgrades and secrets!! And the story is laid out slowly and is very cool, though it really only raises more questions than answers. Map was hit or miss and traversal wasn’t my fave but wow very satisfying in the end.

Truthfully, this toy doesn't remember much about this game other than the fact that it vaguely enjoyed playing it, but sci-fi stuff in general doesn't appeal much to it. Game's a perfectly fine adventure platformer. If you like Metroid, you will probably like Axiom Verge.

Axiom Verge makes a great first impression. The pixel art is nice, the map naturally guides the player to their destination, and the music is fantastic. The setting, inspired by H.R. Giger, is intriguing and feels truly alien like Metroid on NES, a game whose atmosphere is very underappreciated.

As a Metroidvania, it definitely delivers. Easily the best thing about this game is the power-ups. I won't spoil them for those who haven't played it, but just know that they are extremely creative. Every time you think you know what ability you will need to bypass an obstacle, you will be surprised. This subversion of expectations should satisfy Metroidvania veterans who are bored of getting the same power-ups (double jump, dash, hookshot).

Now for the stuff I didn't like. This game has an absurd number of weapons to find, but I didn't find a use for most of them. The starting gun was enough to deal with most enemies, which have an annoying habit of rushing at you on sight. The bosses also left a lot to be desired. They always seemed to be too easy or in the case of the final boss, unfair. Finally, the story was hard to follow at times. This isn't a big issue, however, since there are lots of journal entries to fill in some of the blanks and the story was nonintrusive overall.

Despite these missed opportunities, I would recommend checking out Axiom Verge. The unique power-ups alone make it worth playing. I really hope more Metroidvanias take inspiration from this going forward.

I appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of the powerups, as well as the art style and story (although the writing itself is so clunky I genuinely thought it was a poor translation). I just had to drop it because I was constantly at a loss as to where to go next, there's no fast travel, and unfortunately it's just nearly impossible to google this kind of thing for this genre

Que jogo delicia de se jogar, ele é extremamente parecido com metroid amei a temática biomecânica