Reviews from

in the past

The restoration sucks donkey dick

It took me until I got a new PC to finally get around to playing The Complete Saga as it was like on console. I think the improvements really shine with the lighting and the first game's levels. The gunship segment is significantly better, at least.

Other than that, there isn't really much to say other than, "this game is really good".

I think this was my first lego game ever. Loved it as a kid maybe I should play it again.

mustafar is giving me 'nam flashbacks

My first experience with The Complete Saga was with the DS version. I had already played the first two games on PS2, but this was a totally different experience. Mechanically, it's very similar, but levels and characters had to adapt to the DS' limitations. Even looking back, it had a crunchiness to it's visuals that I liked.

The vehicle segments were an unfortunate downgrade, and so were the cutscenes. I think the top-down segments aren't as good as the ones on the console and PC version.

Still, it's an experience I won't forget.

Yoda's death scream ups it by half a star

This IS the best LEGO Star Wars game and there's nothing close. 100% this with brothers when we were children is so nostalgic