Reviews from

in the past

Not much to say about this one that I don't think everyone already knows.

3 Servers at launch.

Terrible hit reg and rubber banding on those servers.

Missing cutscenes in single player.

Texture issues on PC.

Massively bloated file size somehow went from 12 GB to 60+ GB (Likely due to the AI 4k upscale textures but you likely won't even notice the difference).

And I know there is more that I am missing.

Battlefront II is one of my favorite game from my childhood but this is just a bastardized version of that game. The only thing that saves this from being 1 star or even lower is that fact that it can still server as an ok way to play for those who don't have a PC and are only or look to play offline or local multiplayer (Friendly reminder the OG is backward compatible with Xbox One & Series consoles). If you have a PC however there is no reason to consider this version.

It more expensive than the OGs which are still on steam and often go on sale. The OGs have better mod support and still have some community servers that are better than the official offerings.

Even thought I got a refund I still feel like I wasted my money. This should have been a layup but Aspyr managed to fumble it.

As it stands there is quite literally no reason to even pirate this version of the game.

Это не просто переиздание, это развод на доллары. Обещанный "восстановленный" мультиплеер, сломан 28 раз. Начиная от невыносимого пинга, заканчивая тем, что по противнику банально не засчитываются попадания, словно ты стреляешь в призрака.
Вместо того, чтобы потратить на разработку переиздания хотя бы полчаса, разрабы не удосужились даже оставить ПК версии своё родное главное и меню выбора класса, просто скопировав его с консолей (Оно отвратительное). HUD, точно так же перенесено с консольных версий. Всё сдвинуто к центру, крайне жирный и громоздкий шрифт, всё это занимает слишком много места на экране. Если в случае с первой частью это ещё терпимо, то на вторую часть без слёз не взглянешь.
Всё доходит до такого уровня абсурда, что разработчики даже не смогли адекватно перенести несколько карт из первой части во вторую, поломав их визуальный вид. Швы на скайбоксе, уродливые фоны, шакальные текстуры эффектов, пустые пространства на одной карте и вызывающие клаустрофобию нагромождения на одной

Me and my friend bought this and played 1v1 Galactic Conquest and had a great nostalgia fueled time. It ports the games over just fine, but I also didn't play anything online which apparently was the brunt of this collections negative reception. I feel weird giving this a star rating.

It is overpriced at $35 though.

I bought this game to play couch co-op with my childhood friends. It's great for that! The game apparently runs poorly online, but that is not a factor for me.

Now… this is exactly what I wanted. In fact, I would give this an amazing score if it was just the games. However, the big selling point to this was that they were reviving the servers of the classic games. However, the general public turned on this game in the first hour of its launch. The devs made a decision to role out the servers slowly, doubling the amount of official servers every 2 hours. So stream got BOMBARDED with negative reviews when there were 5 official servers at 12am on launch day. After 24 hours, there were like 200, but the community already left, and only about 3 or 4 were in use by day 3 and the game was nearly officially abandoned a week after release. Super sad because the game itself was so fun. It was the classic battlefront online experience. Complete with all of the “jank” that comes with a multiplayer game from 2005. It was silly and awesome, and it’s just a shame..