Reviews from

in the past


So i'll go ahead and break the reality of the situation. Everyone is giving it negative reviews because the mp was cooked day 1. But that was it after day 1 the mp worked fine. I do not think it deserves the mostly negative as the game works as intended. I have never crashed playing this game meanwhile I have had crashes playing the originals. This now has proper 4K UI support and controller support. Those two things are worth their weight in gold to me so that alone makes this re release worth my time. Because that's what this is a re release it is not a remaster. You can easily argue go get the originals but you can get this for fairly cheap iykyk. I also think the dark forces remaster is a bigger cash grab then this considering its only the first title but you don't see them getting blasted.

Here's what I will ♥♥♥♥ on. The file size certain is absurd should not be this big & that currently legendary medals are bugged so you don't get them at the beginning of a match like you should. The platinum trophy was also not popping for me (recently its been patched so you can get the plat now). Day 1 also had ending cutscenes for rise of the empire missing but this was patched within that same weekend. Otherwise I never had any issues and I played my heart out on IA some GC and the campaign modes as I did not get this for MP and frankly everyone whos flipping out on MP needs to remember most people were not capable of playing this online during that era. This is obviously a blatant smear campaign against aspyr due to long time fans feeling scorn against their more recent porting and SW games in general just being trash with casuals jumping in on the bandwagon. Just remember Aspyr were the ones that fixed up KOTOR II for modern PCs.

This is exactly what I wanted, for better or for worse. It’s fun when it works (Switch doesn’t seem to have too many issues) but there’s no one online.

These all-time classics deserved better. It... sorta works. Firing up an instant action match or Galactic Conquest for a bit is undeniably fun. But then you notice that they still haven't fixed a 20-year old bug on Naboo. Half your AI team is just standing around doing nothing. The sound randomly cuts out in the menus. I'm not a big multiplayer guy but I think we all know how that went. They really should have gone all out for this... polishing and adding options to enable the most popular community mods. It would have been huge. Instead it's... whatever this is. Also, I know this sounds oddly petty, but: the new font in BF2 is a war crime.

My rating of this edition is purely for single player as I'm well aware the online multiplayer (which I haven't played so that doesn't factor into this review) was a buggy mess upon launch (so every modern game lol). I experienced no game breaks or glitches during solo play.

Its basically just an upscaled HD version of the original two Battlefront games. I appreciated the addition of being able to play Hero Assault on practically every map but there should've been more heroes and maps added for how much they were charging. Overall its still fun like the OG games but not worth the $50+ price tag.

Moet ik nog raten na online gameplay

Does what it says on the tin. Playing Battlefront on Switch in bed rules. Had a rocky launch that I didn't really notice, and still has some issues, most notably weird audio stuff, but it's largely fine. At the end of the day, I'm really only ever jumping into a handful of Instant Action matches, so for me this is good.

I love the original Star Wars Battlefront games, including the two spin-offs that were released on PSP (especially Elite Squadron). Battlefront 1 had these beautiful maps and Battlefront 2 had way more features and way to play. Both were so great for so many reasons. So I was obviously going to be hyped for a fresh, modern way to play these games with friends.

... and now I'm extremely disappointed. My friends and I struggled to get into the same matches together, and once we were finally able to, it was a buggy mess as if we really were back in the mid-2000s. Battlefront 2 has a weird FPS lock online, control scheme is a bit messy, the game will just randomly crash, and you can't do campaigns and galactic assault with a friend online (only through splitscreen and remote-play together).

Nothing was really added to or improved upon with these titles. Sure, models and textures do look better for modern resolutions. Yes, there is proper lighting and an overall graphics quality increase. And of course we have the Xbox-exclusive DLC in Battlefront 2. But that's it. The multiplayer is dated and barely functional. Settings in general are VERY restricted. Some sound effects and tunes have also been completely replaced. This is just a massive letdown for a couple games that I have very fond memories of and still go back to on the PS2 and on Steam (2005 version of Battlefront 2).

I've refunded this game, and I urge everyone who wants a slice of nostalgia to pick up the original titles on Steam ($10/each) and mod them. I am so disappointed in Aspyr, especially after they just released a really solid remaster of the original Tomb Raider titles. Man, this is nothing like the simulations.

cash grab, very bad port/rerelease. Unstable online, buggy singleplayer, also they cut out half of the 501st cutscene in the game for some reason, so now your missing out on important context, this is not a good collection. This hurts, especially since the battlefront games are MY ALL TIME FAVORITE GAMES, but it is what it is.

Go play the old games, don't give this publisher/developer your money.
Battlefront 2004 and 05 cost 10$ a piece.

check steam guides, install some mods and forget this garbage ever existed

Why in the actual fuck would you buy this if you're on PC. Get the original Battlefront 2 on Steam or GOG (it's less than a third of the price) and get the Battlefront 3 Legacy mod. It adds almost everything from the leaked BF3 build and is a much better experience.

Rating will likely be updated when bug fixes come out.

this shit was not like the simulations

I wanted to love this game. Aspyr's previous Star Wars re-releases like Republic Commando and Episode 1 Racer were really good but this one falls short in many ways. I don't hate this as much as everyone else does, though the game has crashed and kicked me out while trying to join online matches multiple times, the single player and everything else works perfectly fine for me to still enjoy it to some extent.

Il 14 marzo 2024 Aspyr ha rilasciato questa nuova versione della serie originalmente prodotta nei primi anni del 2000 dalla LucasArts e dalla Pandemic Studios. In questa edizione possiamo ritrovare tutti i contenuti originali, una modalità online a 64 giocatori e una lista di achievement sbloccabili sulla Playstation. Dopo averci passato centinaia di ore da bambino sentire la notizia che sarebbero stati rilasciati sulle console di attuale generazione e precedenti mi ha riempito di pura gioia.
Bisogna chiarire fin da subito che questa non è una recensione definitiva e completa, sia perché al momento della scrittura del testo io ho giocato di questo pacchetto solamente il primo titolo sia perché sicuramente porrò ulteriori correzioni al tutto.

Star Wars : Battlefront (2004)

Partiamo col parlare delle due campagne brevemente giusto per non spoilerare niente. Il gioco ci permette di vivere gli eventi della Guerra dei Cloni e la Guerra Civile Galattica. Non mi immergerò in una discussione sulla canonicità dei vari eventi, ma non potevo tuttavia astenermi dal far notare quanto sia epica la battaglia su Kamino durante la seconda campagna, dove le forze imperiali affrontano i cloni che si sono ribellati all'Impero e dal fatto che questa rappresenti l'unica volta nella storia dei videogiochi dedicati a Star Wars in cui compare il pianeta Rhen Var.
Oltre alle campagne c'è una modalità chiamata Conquista Galattica, sebbene su una scala molto più ridotta rispetto a quanto il titolo possa far pensare. Qui hai l'opportunità di conquistarla come una delle quattro fazioni precedentemente incontrate nelle campagne. Purtroppo il gioco non ti permette di "mescolare" le quattro fazioni, costringendoti a combattere utilizzando le fazioni che si sono realmente scontrate su quel fronte. Ogni pianeta detiene un bonus che può esserti d'aiuto nel gioco, personalmente preferisco utilizzare il bonus del personaggio eroe Jedi (uccide istantaneamente ed è invincibile, cosa si potrebbe desiderare di più?).
Per quanto riguarda il gameplay, si controlla un soldato utilizzando la visuale sia in prima che in terza persona, che può guidare veicoli sia terrestri che spaziali nel ruolo di conducente o di aiutante.
Ognuna delle fazioni ti permette di andare in battaglia scegliendo tra cinque classi differenti. Quattro di queste sono simili tra loro (soldato, quello con il lanciarazzi, pilota, cecchino), ma la quinta classe è unica per ogni fazione (gli imperiali hanno il "Dark Trooper" con il jetpack in grado di effettuare salti più alti del normale e una sorta di blaster a pompa, i repubblicani hanno un soldato con jetpack e un lanciaEMP, i Separatisti hanno il droideka e i ribelli hanno un wookie).
Nel gioco sono presenti personaggi famosi importanti dei film nel ruolo di eroi. I ribelli hanno Luke Skywalker, gli imperiali hanno Darth Vader, i separatisti hanno Conte Dooku, i repubblicani hanno Mace Windu.
Anche in forma basilare, sono presenti fazioni durante le nostre schermaglie dalle quali non possiamo impersonare, ma che interverranno come 'secondo nemico/amico' (ad esempio, abbiamo i predoni Tusken nella mappa aperta di Tatooine o i Gungan nella mappa di Naboo).
Dopo aver parlato nella maniera più completa possibile del titolo, è arrivato il momento di discutere delle differenze tra i due titoli. La prima cosa che risalta è il miglioramento delle texture e dell'illuminazione rispetto all'originale, che conferisce al gioco un aspetto più sostanziale. La seconda è il peso aumentato enormemente, giustificato dai developer dalla loro incapacità di comprimere le texture in 4k.

Per concludere la mia recensione, vi consiglio vivamente questo titolo, soprattutto se siete fan della serie

Would've been the best way to experience these games if it was actually finished. The newest patch fixed some of the issues, but the online multiplayer is still a mess. It's also stupid that this game doesn't have cross-platform, which is only going to make this game die faster.

Looking back at how soon this was announced before the release date, we should've seen this disaster coming.

Look, I think we can all agree that the multiplayer aspect of this game was fumbled. However, this is an HD port of one of my favorite games of all time and Battlefront 1, so I still had my fun with it. Just to be clear, the OG Battlefront 2 is still a straight up 9/10 for me.

This was a pretty lazy re-release. It gave me an excuse to relieve some old memories and have some decent fun.

Man muss schon sagen, die Entwickler haben ihr Bestes gegeben um die damalige Zeit wieder gut einzufangen. Damals konnte ich nicht Online spielen, weil ich noch nicht Verstand was ein Internet ist und Heute kann ich nicht Online spielen, weil es nicht vernünftig umgesetzt wurde. Die Liebe zum Detail eben. Dafür wurde aber im 1. Teil, vor einem Update, der ikonische Ladebildschirmsound verunstaltet. Das ist einfach inakzeptabel. Ansonsten hat es Offline, neben ein paar unnötigen Bugs und das fehlen der deutschen Synchro an einigen Stellen, doch Spaß gemacht.

Refunded it when I saw the negative impressions.
Bought it again to see for myself.
Immediately refunded again.

Man, what the hell. Xbox quick match multiplayer seems to keep routing me private matches that require a passcode. When I started my own match I found that the aiming is totally borked with a weird acceleration not present in the old version. And no one joined. Just a bummer.

The games intact and the same as before, and they even added some new content for each version: new maps and heroes. All good stuff.

The games run fine. It looks dated, but in a good way. Shooting and movement is fun and way better than modern Battlefront and I truly mean that. I love these games and love that they're even part of the discussion again.

But even if some of the issues listed in the other reviews are fixed down the road (some bugs, server issues, etc.), I don't think this is very fun online experience in 2024. You can cap all outposts in 1-2 minutes and lock out the other team, and everyone's on a 20 second spawn wave system. Games can end in literal seconds and then you're on to the next map. Maybe down the road if there's, like, an infinite or 1000+ kill count server with faster spawn waves it could be a good time, but for now, I'd rather refund it, play the originals, and see if this game progresses or gets better down the road on a sale. Might be worth it if you're console-only and just want to play the game offline.

once again EA releases an overpriced game in a nonfunctional state and people still buy it anyways. "b-but it's ok they'll totally fix it later!" even though half the time they just abandon their games. Please stop buying EA games at launch or honestly at all really. You are like Charlie Brown when Lucy takes the football.

An indisputably terrible and scummy game…and yet, it’s currently the only way that I can play my two favorite childhood games on the hardware I own

I feel like a turd giving this anything above a half star but I WILL be playing this nonstop for weeks, ugly ugly warts and all

Single player is okay (has problems), but multiplayer (big reason I bought it) was a huge scam. Bad!

The originals are classics. Aspyr did a shitty job rereleasing these but I have enjoyed revisiting them with the homie

If you just want to play the single player portion of these games again on modern consoles than this works as a fine way to access those games where a lot of fun can still be had. I was really looking forward to being able to play online multiplayer and had hoped that there would be a sizable community for these games,. unfortunately this turned out to be a disaster, the servers may have gotten better since release but the first impressions where so bad it appears many people like myself have been turned off and aren't likely to come back basically killing any chance this games multiplayer had.

It's frustrating because the bar was so low, people weren't asking for much they just wanted access to these classic games and a functional online multiplayer there really is no reason why the game should lunch in the state it did, instead of reviving the Battlefront series I think this has killed it.

Screw you Aspyr

You really.... you.... you f**ked the pooch on this one.....

What an absolute disappointment, I feel so damn betrayed like, riddle me this, HOW DO YOU MAKE A COMPLETE SET OF OLD GAMES, INCOMPLETE, ON THEIR DIRECT PORT TO NEW CONSOLES???

.... at least the GTA Trilogy had the decency to slightly improve the graphics, models and textures....

First PlayStation game I've ever refunded.... absolutely ridiculous