So i'll go ahead and break the reality of the situation. Everyone is giving it negative reviews because the mp was cooked day 1. But that was it after day 1 the mp worked fine. I do not think it deserves the mostly negative as the game works as intended. I have never crashed playing this game meanwhile I have had crashes playing the originals. This now has proper 4K UI support and controller support. Those two things are worth their weight in gold to me so that alone makes this re release worth my time. Because that's what this is a re release it is not a remaster. You can easily argue go get the originals but you can get this for fairly cheap iykyk. I also think the dark forces remaster is a bigger cash grab then this considering its only the first title but you don't see them getting blasted.

Here's what I will ♥♥♥♥ on. The file size certain is absurd should not be this big & that currently legendary medals are bugged so you don't get them at the beginning of a match like you should. The platinum trophy was also not popping for me (recently its been patched so you can get the plat now). Day 1 also had ending cutscenes for rise of the empire missing but this was patched within that same weekend. Otherwise I never had any issues and I played my heart out on IA some GC and the campaign modes as I did not get this for MP and frankly everyone whos flipping out on MP needs to remember most people were not capable of playing this online during that era. This is obviously a blatant smear campaign against aspyr due to long time fans feeling scorn against their more recent porting and SW games in general just being trash with casuals jumping in on the bandwagon. Just remember Aspyr were the ones that fixed up KOTOR II for modern PCs.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2024


3 months ago

you dumb af bro

3 months ago

TLOU 2 is one of your favorite games you have no leg to stand on.