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If you just want to play the single player portion of these games again on modern consoles than this works as a fine way to access those games where a lot of fun can still be had. I was really looking forward to being able to play online multiplayer and had hoped that there would be a sizable community for these games,. unfortunately this turned out to be a disaster, the servers may have gotten better since release but the first impressions where so bad it appears many people like myself have been turned off and aren't likely to come back basically killing any chance this games multiplayer had.

It's frustrating because the bar was so low, people weren't asking for much they just wanted access to these classic games and a functional online multiplayer there really is no reason why the game should lunch in the state it did, instead of reviving the Battlefront series I think this has killed it.

This is the perfect modern Final Fantasy striking a great balance between real-time action and turn-based combat, while there are other styles of game-play that Final Fantasy could and should tackle I think this is my ideal approach to the series in the modern day.

It's been said many times before that this game is more of a re-imagining/retelling then a direct remake of the original Final Fantasy VII and while I understand that this may disappoint people who were hoping for more of a faithful remake, I think giving themselves the room to go off in their own direction with this game has allowed them to really keep this game feeling fresh at the same time as paying homage to the original. I don't think you can say by playing this game that you've truly experienced the original Final Fantasy VII as it's really its own thing but I think this game offers people the chance to experience the world and characters of that game but with a new twist, for me this is all an up-side as it keeps the original game relevant and worth replaying in it's own right, even if I think I like this version better. Simply put Final Fantasy VII isn't a replacement for the original but a fantastic modernization and expansion of the story that game created.

Can't wait to play Rebirth very soon, I'm pretty sure this is my favorite game of the 2020s so far I'm not sure I've been this gripped by a game in this way for so long, it's also probably in my top 3 Final Fantasy games, I'd recommend experiencing the original first to players who are open to playing older games but if not then definitely go ahead and play this game if this trilogy keeps this quality up we could have without doubt one of the best video game trilogies of all-time.

I don't know why I get to the end of these games and can't bring myself to finish it, I'm literally on the final Dante mission and I just quit the level out of pure boredom and can't bring myself to pick it back up. While I have some issues with the first Devil May Cry game it's still a game that I have a lot of appreciation for. Not even the small amount of nostalgia that I have for Devil May Cry 2 could save it, this is easily one of the most boring games ever made.

There's just nothing to this game the combat is shallow as pretty much anything from regular enemies to bosses are all dealt with the same way by firing your guns at them until their health slowly drains, this is what you'll be doing for the whole time, you can swing your sword if you want but it's not any better. Story wise it's somehow weaker than the first game it's almost non-existent, The first Devil May Cry while not really being story driven at least had an atmosphere and an interconnected world that gave you context for why you were doing what you were doing, in this game you'll start the level at some random place with no explanation as to where you are or why you are here. On top of that removing the creepy Gothic atmosphere of the world and the creative demonic enemies and replace it with generic cities and villages and bland demonic creatures that look like they could have come from any game it honestly doesn't even feel like you're in the same world. It's just very hard to drag yourself along this game when there's just no reason to care about any of it and that's despite the campaign being very short.

I think there's one improvement that this game makes and that's with it's camera, it's still fixed and it does run into some of the same issues as the first game but I generally found it to be less of a problem. Adding a roll button and a button for the guns is also a nice addition but with how plain and simple the combat is you don't really notice either way. There's also the second campaign where you play as Lucia I've heard some say that its a bit better but as with a lot of people Dante's campaign just puts me off it, from what I remember from playing it when I was younger it's apart of this game and if you want more of it it's there but I can't see it being a big enough improvement to make me play more of this.

Just a bad game that I recommend skipping unless you are set on playing every Devil May Cry game but from what I know I think this game is mostly ignored by the series going forward so I don't think there's anything to miss here.