Reviews from

in the past

VirtuaVerse is probably one of the best modern point n click adventure games I've ever played. While it does go full old school, it has a modern touch that makes it feel refreshing.

It has a deep storyline, compared to many other modern point n clicks these days, with a good balance between the serious parts and the funny moments. The artwork is beautiful and it's amazing how they with the pixel art makes it so detailed. I also love how each different area and environment looks so different from eachother. The soundtrack is fitting and the only thing missing is perhaps some voice acting, but even then it doesn't actually need it.

With several callbacks to the old school point n click games, old technology and the looming threat of our personal data being sold to company overlords, VirtuaVerse is a game that is worth playing. I genuinly had a great time with the game and I feel like I haven't played anything as good as this in a long while when it comes to the genre of modern point n click games. Heavily recommended many times over and I can't stress enough that I'm hoping for some kind of sequel or a new game in similiar style from the devs.