Reviews from

in the past

y'know over the years i think i've grown a lot more interested in the whole idea of furries and just like the culture behind it, i've met a good amount of really nice people within the community and i think just the concept of it all, presenting yourself through little anthropomorphic animals is a really fun and creative way to express yourself on a level that can go so far beyond the average sona, what with the potential of having a whole suit designed off of your character. it's a community that i enjoy looking into, and i perhaps think that if i had the resources and such to delve deeper into it myself, i most likely would have just as much fun giving it a try- sorry, the review?

Lovers of Aether is a sweet and silly little dating sim featuring characters from easily my favorite platform fighter ever, and it adds some cute characterization to them all, though I'm not entirely sure how much of it is meant to relate back to the actual fighting game. It'd do well with maybe just a couple quality of life features, notably the option to skip text, since as far as I can tell, you can only manage a maximum of three endings per playthrough, which means you have to click through some of the same bundles of dialogue at least four times to see everything. Still, cute.

also please mr fornace can we get an update with the new characters i need Mollo route pwease come back

a short, fairly funny jokey VN/dating sim where you date the characters of a furry fighting game I've yet to play. pretty cute! like how the characters look and their personalities and it's the perfect length for me to enjoy a vis novel