Reviews from

in the past

There are so many great aspects to this game.

The story is mostly really good with a couple issues. It does make you feel how dire the situation is and has some really bleak moments.

Graphics and gameplay are the best in the series. Combat is by far the most fluid in the series in this game.

The characters are all still really good. The only downside is how little time you get to spend with some of them.

As the concluding chapter this game to wrap up every major story thread using the choices you made throughout the trilogy.

For the most part, it did an admirable job resolving these plot lines. There are some really emotional scenes packed in there as you fell connected to these characters.

The soundtrack is top-tier once again.

The biggest issue with the game is the disappointing ending. The writing falls apart right at the end. The ending was so poorly received they actually had to release an extended cut in an attempt to improve it. I do believe the ending is better, but it is still not very satisfying.

I give the high score for the journey and not the ending. It remains a fantastic game, particularly with all of the DLC included in the Legendary Edition.

2 was better but this was pretty good and this time i actually engaged in the relationships more.
i got the bad ending

Incredible story, graphics and the combat is just right. Killing aliens made right.

Lost the game, too many hours, better than the others in all ways

Mass Effect 3 is a mixed title for me, while it does have the most polished combat and general gameplay experience of the trilogy the story, especially the ending are very underwhelming. Making a game in a franchise with great story and characters go out on more of a muffled whimper than the high note it should've been.