Reviews from

in the past

a fun game to experience but a boring game to play. with an ending that i honestly didnt like. the humor is dated but im not holding it against them.. the style is fun!!!

It's not a bad game, but the story is just not that good to make up for the boring gameplay

This is my favorite game of all time. I don't think any other game will make me feel the same emotions I did on completion like Night in the Woods did. It is absolutely perfect.

i was identified with mae so bad i wanted to kms 10/10

Life is Strange wishes it could be this game.

Jogo lindo, muito lindo.

Tipo, nem sei como descrever essa porra, a gameplay é extremamente simples, mas a magia dele não é isso, a magia do game é você ir por aí na cidade conversando com todo mundo que você encontra, a magia é você criar vínculos com pessoas que nem fazem parte da história principal do game, que inclusive, a história é linda, tendo um baita peso que você nem espera quando você joga pela primeira vez.

POR FAVOR, jogue esse jogo, até se não parecer o tipo de game que você gosta, da uma chance, pois esse jogo pode mudar o seu gosto por certos jogos.

i think the first time i finished this game, i almost hated it but pretended i didn't. something about the abruptness, the smallness, the way the mechanics don't all get Really Used, like they're vestigial hanger-ons from a previous iteration that was more interested in platforming and less interested in place

i think it got an extra star the first year after finishing it. i didn't play it again. i still haven't. it just sat with me. not even the politics. not even the people, or the dialogue, or the music, or the visuals (maybe the visuals a bit) but the actions. i could still remember, a year later, entire in-game days of walking from right of town to left of town, up the hill on the way to the church to attend because i wanted to connect with something in this mess, and maybe god had an answer? to my pet cat. to spending the day inside rotting playing all of demontower and thinking "that was okay at best, why did i play that all the way" and then messing with it a little bit after that, and then sending my friend i barely know a message and not realizing that night would end in me getting too drunk to take inputs correctly and then in real life the next night i ended up doing the same thing without really ever thinking about it.

i remember the feeling of understanding that the place was beautiful and the people who rotted it out were there for the wrong reasons. a feeling i never got at the time, but that i have overwhelmingly upon thinking about my memory of this.

i remember the journal.

i remember the melody to die anywhere else.

i remember how stupid i thought the hand control minigames were and how effective they were when they show up picture-in-picture.

i remember the mineshaft and the earnest thought that one of these characters might really die.

i still haven't replayed it.

imagine a video game in which the it feels like someone put thought into the writing

only my fellow tumblrinas get this game