Reviews from

in the past

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A game where some enemies get killed instantly by being shot in the dick

I loved the authenticity of the game to the movie - they've truly recreated the world of Robocop and Robocop 2. Being able to explore the police station, Old Detroit, and see the menacing ED-209s in action is impressive. And, of course, enlisting Peter Weller himself as the voice of Robo - he does a good job, although seems a bit overly robotic at times, ironically. Shooting bad guys is fun, but after a few hours it does start to get a bit repetitive, and the main story just isn't that interesting. The save points, too, seemed to revert too much at times, which was frustrating. A good, solid game, but I didn't feel motivated enough to actually complete it.

It was fun for what it is. Unfortunately, there are some game breaking bugs that keep it from being even better (like objectives not triggering when killing all enemies or unable to scan key items or places). Still, it was fun to shot bad guys as Robocop and being voiced by the OG man himself is a huge plus.
PS: The flashback or memory sequence or whatever you want to call it at the end was plain stupid.