Reviews from

in the past

Miserable attention-starved losers on the internet:

Nintendo in 1988:
"Oh yeah, Birdo is transgender btw."

This game feels so fucking good to play but the level design is a bit too slow. thankfully, everything good about this game's controls would basically go on to be included in SMB3 and SMW, so fuck yeah.

A bizarre dream where you pluck vegetables and throw them at ridiculous enemies. It's not the Mario we know and love.
Un sueño extraño donde arrancas verduras y se las lanzas a enemigos ridículos. No es el Mario que conocemos y amamos.

I the only one of my friend group that could make the carpet jump.

hey you guys did you know that super mario bros. 2 is actually a reskin of a japanese-only famicom game called doki doki pan-BANG.

I hesitate to be too harsh on Super Mario Bros. 2. Because as a weird, obscure Famicom game it’s probably pretty alright. But it’s packaged as a Super Mario Bros. game, so that’s what I feel I have to judge it as, and it’s sure as hell what I wanted out of it.

This game wants to convince you so bad that it’s a Mario game with familiar sounds and the occasional familiar theme, but it’s not. It’s Mario’s dream about a game he imported from Japan called Doki Doki Panic.

And I just don’t think it’s very fun, or very Mario. There’s moments of enjoyable platforming, and some cute level gimmicks, but for the most part the level design is just far too obtuse, far too often. Combine that with incredibly slippery movement and its just an absolute chore to get through.

And look, I love trans women, amen Nintendo, but god it’s so fucking exhausting fighting the same one over and over.

It would be disingenuous of me to say that the Mario franchise doesn’t owe a lot of its modern identity to Super Mario Bros. 2. A number of things from this Doki Doki Panic reskin would go on to become series staples, including recurring characters, enemies, some mechanics, and level themes. I can even understand why Nintendo of America thought Western audiences might enjoy something different than Lost Levels. But man, everything that came both before and after just did it better - including Lost Levels itself. This franchise deserves so much better than to owe so much to Super Mario Bros. 2.

The decision to not give the initial Super Mario Bros. 2 (The Lost Levels) its own unique identity was a neglectful and hasty one. The immense success of the first title caught Nintendo in an aimless frenzy and what we would get was the best they had to work with. While not developed at first with Mario in mind, Super Mario Bros. 2 USA would have such a profound impact on the Mario franchise nonetheless that it's almost difficult not to view it as an authentic Mario game nowadays.
As you sit down and play it, however, all that background you've probably heard time and again ends up failing to make up for the unreal amount of JANK that is there within. Spawning of enemies for example is a huge problem, where an enemy you're expecting to see either doesn't spawn at all or even respawns a mere inch off screen right after you've already killed them. Collision feels particularly unfair and unforgiving, making it a nightmare to maneuver around its more crowded levels. Topped with awkward movement, I often felt like I was fighting the controls rather than the enemies and bosses themselves.
While not as excruciating as The Lost Levels, it serves not as an exceptional title, but only a historically significant one and little else.

the first time i beat mario 2 was on the wii u. it was really hard for me at the time, so i was very proud. i tried to beat it again on the 3ds after, but for some reason i just found it so much harder there. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

i appreciate this one for all the weirdness surrounding it but i didn’t enjoy it all that much playing it. i like the whole throwing enemies thing but the platforming itself doesn’t feel as nice as other games. bosses were either okay or kinda super annoying. ehh yeah not too into this one i guess. sorry.