Reviews from

in the past

Los dos juegos en general se ven muy bonitos y la banda sonora lo acompaña genial. La historia cojea a veces pero ambos juegos tienen un final muy satisfactorio, y todos los personajes se hacen de querer.

Lo único que no me convence de ambos juegos, sobretodo del segundo, es la poca cantidad de puzles y su facilidad.

A pesar de ser juegos con más texto que gameplay, se disfrutan mucho y tienen la duración perfecta. Cuando los terminas te dejan una impresión muy agradable.

I picked this up as I played the first one on the DS when I was younger and remember loving it. While these are great remakes presentation-wise, there's not a huge amount of gameplay here.

There's a lot of dialogue and puzzles are few and far between, and I seem to remember there being more puzzles in the original; it now feels less puzzle game and more visual novel. I appreciate that they can't replicate puzzles that used the DS dual screens, but there's no new puzzles that really use Switch features to compensate so the concept of unique puzzle solving hasn't really translated to the Switch at all.

So far I've finished the first game and I'm about halfway through the second and, while I've enjoyed my time with it, I'm not sure I'm enjoying it enough to finish.