Reviews from

in the past

Very hard to play on my emulation device and a hard game but will beat

Short and sweet. An all around fun game with little to complain about asides from a couple annoying missions (especially the final one).

The different parts are interesting to play around with and can really change up how your mech plays. The money system is interesting and encourages you to keep tweaking your mech to waste as little money on ammo and repairs as possible.

The missions have some decent variation. Maps themselves are mostly narrow, maze-like hallways but there's a bunch of different locations so the level design never got tiring for me.

The story is basically non existent but I found it to be a nice backdrop for missions. It's funny how forthright companies are about having you do heinous shit, they'll casually ask you to terrorize a city and directly explain it's so that the citizens will pay them protection money.