Reviews from

in the past

I just remembered I played this one too. This is the only Arkham game I have ever played but I'm not even sure if I did beat it or not.

From what I remember, this one was insanely fun and felt super great to pretty much do anything as Batman. Giving it 5 stars, since I haven't played any of the other ones, so this one is the best one lol.

I was super mixed on this game when I first played it, but as time passes I feel myself appreciating it more and more. I don't think it's as good as the first 2 games but it's still a must play for any Arkham fan.

Yine gereksiz eleştirilmiş oyunlardan biri. City'nin yaptığı bu oyunun kötü yaptığı bir şey yok. Evet aynısı ama sikimde değil. Daha fazla Batman, bu kadar.

The one game that accurately portrays Bane how it should: a smart, calculative but also strong ass hell foe, not a big dumb brute.

É mto bom igual todo jogo da série Arkham, mas, é extremamente parecido com o Batman Arkham City. Sério, dá pra ver claramente as semelhanças bem grandes na gameplay e na cidade, que é quase idêntica a do jogo anterior e tem algumas partes q são claramente áreas do City um pouco modificadas. Dito isso, é mto bom e a lore é foda