Reviews from

in the past

if you see a player named lesbians4wesker you found me

No se, a mi me iba lag.

Pero oye, el juego esta guapo.

There is a lot of things to enjoy about this game. Despite the absurd amount of hours I've put into it I cannot give it more than 3 stars. Its just too heavily monetized and too unfriendly to beginners. I have a hard time recommending it to friends who don't already play. It's a love letter to horror franchises but it's not a horror game.

trying to get better at this game has been one of the most stressful angering horrible draining humiliating and degrading experiences of my life. i play every day.

This is the type of game that probably has a better version somewhere deep in the Roblox or Rec Room horror game archives.

Boas primeiras horas de gameplay, quando pega o jeito do jogo fica um pouco mais sem graça, mas continua divertido.
É mais um daqueles jogos que não vai ser legal se jogar sozinho, bom é dar risada com os amigos