Reviews from

in the past

A DLC that actually takes the base concept, adds its tweaks , and runs away with it? Yes please. And thats just on the gameplay side. Ofcourse dishonored's gameplay is a ton of fun , with a lot of options and choices in a very well composed, small sandbox. Daud controls quite well and the abilities complement each other well just like the base game.
But the story, as was the case earlier, is what shines. To play as the character that put into motion all the craziness, the one you are driven to really hate as corvo, adds a huge amount of nuance and depth to the story. The almost detective like aspect of having to figure out what and who 'delilah' is, daud's story is quite engaging and entertaining.
A great game , followed by a fun couple of DLCs, dishonored is an easy sell. All of it.