Reviews from

in the past

One of the best Fallout DLCs along with Point Lookout and Far Harbor. Also, the only good New Vegas DLC.

It explores a great theme of letting the part go with an interesting antagonist in a setting that is a character in and of itself.

Dead Money starts off weak for me but by the time you reach the Sierra Madre I'm sold, the theme of letting go and the strange faux hope the Sierra Madre gives it's obsessives is just too perfect from a thematic standpoint and fits perfectly in the world of Fallout.

The only drawback for me at least is the villa part which feels repetitive and tedious

While the story and the way gameplay is utilized in service of the theme (specifically in the Vault) is compelling, the overall experience is frustrating in a way I didn't enjoy. That being said, I could hold Christine's hand so not everything was bad ♡

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My favourite part of Dead Money is Dean Domino - not as a character, though I like him starting and ending a total prick. What I love is, when you meet him, if you select the 'Barter' option to talk him down, he will hate you forever. The diplomatic option is to let him feel superior, because he's a total prick. It's a nice prank for players used to seeing the stat-based options as the "right" ones, but more importantly, absolutely hilarious from a character perspective. He's such an asshole!

mixing the genres of a heist thriller with a survival horror is actually pretty sweet, and makes for an interesting little story. But it is very reliant on the poorly aged gameplay, which makes playing through it kind of a pain in the ass. But i really dig all the dialogue and branching paths in dead money, so it all evens out to me enjoying it but having little interest to ever return to it.