Reviews from

in the past

I want to like it so bad. Obvious callbacks to 3 make it appealing to me, but so much else fall short, I can't call it one of my favorites

Köpüş chorizo yüzünden oyuna başladım ama recruit edemeden sıkıldım. Önceki oyunlara göre bizim karakterin konuşması ve cutscenelerde görünmesi hoşuma gitti, actingde güzeldi.

The video game equivalent of sleeping pills, but it's still kinda fun.

combat is decent, ai is braindead tho, standard fc shit

This game is just hard to finish, I like open world games but I don't get why studios are so hellbent on making them larger and larger. This is one of the examples where it is just too big. All the regions being split up between different "factions" of the resistance just doesn't work for me, most of the resistance leaders are also not very charming or interesting to interact with and all kinda act the same.

I also really dislike the jury-rigged weapon customizations and the backpack especially.

Its exactly what you'd expect from the series at this point. It has a great villain but the heroes of the story are super annoying and its very buggy. It did have great weapon variety though. Also I did find it annoying that on the highest difficultly the enemies take something like 6 or 7 bullets to the chest to kill but only one headshot to kill. Seems like a weird multiplier.