Reviews from

in the past

Tycoon de hacer jueguicos que salió a la estela de Game Dev Story.

No aporta nada pero está bien para pasar el rato.

5/10 - 6/10 - 6/10 - 4/10

Just a bunch of gamers locked in a room for a 100 years dropping banger after banger.

Game Hero is fucking wrong I only make masterpieces.

It's nice to pick it up while traveling in a train. And than you completly destroy your company because people don't like ambisious RPGs...just like real life

9/10 Has Potential ~JaxArts Inc

10/10 Played For Days... ~Mjax The Hero

8/10 Not Enough Tycoon ~IGN

6/10 Very Moddable - Steam Workshop Games

11/10 for this Masterpiece! ~Some Dude On The Internet