Reviews from

in the past

Nope. This one is too hard for me.

I enjoy difficult games but everyone has their limit and Ghosts 'n Goblins is mine. Arthur's static jump arc makes everything so difficult but my main gripe with the game is the cruel randomness of it all. As early as the first few seconds of the game you'll notice the red-haired zombies seem to spawn in random locations, making even the first level impossible to brute force via memorisation (à la Castlevania). The flying demon enemies are the worst offenders though; they have such a shockingly devilish attack pattern and feel like a gigantic, undodgeable homing missile . Playing Ghosts 'n Goblins feels like digital torture and I'm not much of a sadomasochist, so I'll pass.

On the plus side, the music is iconic, elevating the game up a half-star in my estimation.

- 88 W. 58 H. 90 -
Desde un inicio quede enamorado de su arte, ya siendo un poco más grande por fin pude terminarlo hace 1año y me encantó lo difícil que puede ser su gameplay que en todo momento te puede castigar, la variedad de enemigos es muy buena.
Tal vez lo único malo sería que para el final real tienes que cruzar otra vez todo el juego para poder vencer definitivamente al rey demonio.