Reviews from

in the past

Wake Up!
Dormir é para os fracos...

Foi ótimo que os criadores nos deram a oportunidade de ver o que aconteceu antes da primeira parte do jogo. A história é maravilhosa, como sempre, é tocante e inesperada.

Esse jogo te encanta cada vez mais a cada capítulo com uma trilha sonora muito boa. As escolhas que você toma durante o jogo impactam até mesmo a forma como você irá olhar para a vida após terminá-lo.

O efeito Life is Strange é incrível, assim como este jogo.

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I really liked Chloe, I feel she's a really good protagonist, I just felt the story was very lacklustre in the way that there were many plot holes and not a lot of big choices, I liked Rachel as a character more in the first game which is funny because she was dead, she had no reason to leave Arcadia bay and I felt like the devs were just trying to hard to make her a twin peaks like character, just didn't really like her, in terms of it being a prequel, it didn't really add anything to life is strange 1, which is unfortunate considering how much I love life is strange one, I didn't really like the back-talk mechanic, I never really needed to use it and when I did the writing was terrible and it was to easy for Chloe to get her way, I did like learning more about Chloe as a character since I liked her in the first game and she does have so great interactions, but overall the game just felt really dumb and unnecessary as a prequel

QUE JOGASSO! Me fez sentir novamente a sençação que eu senti jogando o primeiro jogo.

Eu achei muito boa a história desse game, da forma como tudo se desenrolou, é um enredo que te prende do começo ao fim, assim como no primeiro game. É life is strange né, não tem muito oq dizer.

Trilha sonora, também outra coisa que não tenho nem palavras. De verdade, encaixa perfeitamente com a atmosfera e me faz sentir dentro dos personagens.

Outro detalhe que eu acho sensacional é UI, simplesmente muito boa, inovadora e minimalista. Dá um toque especial pro jogo, nem todo mundo percebe, mas são esses pequenos detalhes que mais agregam as vezes.

Apesar de eu ter curtido bastante ainda prefiro o primeiro life is strange. Acho difícil algum outro jogo proporcionar o que eu senti jogando LIS 1. Mas de qualquer forma, muito bom, com certeza vale o seu tempo.

Much like the first game, I really enjoyed this game when I was younger, however unlike this first game I don't think this one holds up. It's a typical bad prequel, moving on.

Enjoyed this one more than the first Life is Strange

Chloe Price is such a tragic character that I understand only too well. My heartache following the first game has intensified.

Before the Storm definitely isn't as strong as the first Life is Strange game. With the removal of the time mechanic the game becomes a little less involved, and Chloe's Backtalk doesn't make up for it. The story itself feels a little directionless to begin with, lacking that sense of mystery the first game has - but as it continues, it brings even more depth to Chloe as a character and culminates in a very strong final episode. Her relationship with Rachel is also much more charming and interesting than I ever could've anticipated.

There's so much love in my heart for these games. Before the Storm, as well as its special episode Farewell, has only deepened my connection to and appreciation for Chloe and Max. I love them. I truly do. And I am sad to say goodbye to them and the rest of Arcadia Bay.

As I spoke about playing Before the Storm and the first game with friends, I said one of its greatest strengths is making its characters feel like real people in a way that appeals so strongly to me. But I suppose that's the catch when it comes to humanizing characters - the more devastating it feels when their stories don't end in sunshine and rainbows.

Life is strange 1 é um jogo que me marcou muito quando saiu e eu joguei, e o LIS BTS ajudou a complementar e conhecer ainda mais sobre aqueles personagens, gostei muito

This is a really sad video game, but I like it a lot.