Reviews from

in the past

The intense detail in the world, monsters, and everything is incredible. It sucked me in unlike any other game in this genre managed to. Its actually an amazing game, the only reason it doesn't get a perfect 5 is because the handler is really annoying and immersion breaking sometimes... partner.

One of my gang's main games to play

Fantastic game full of amazing and creative creature designs and quite possibly my favourite combat in any game I can think of and an absolute delight to play with friends. Biggest downside is that getting actually optimal sets is quite possibly the most unreasonable grind in any game ever made because of how they implemented decoration acquisition. Recommended if you want a good time sink game.

Sometimes I would go to Expedition mode only to just sit there and watch the landscapes, and the monsters occasionally beating up each other.

Monster Hunter World is such an amazing game.

The combat is great and each weapon has a playstyle, its graphically great, the monsters have super cool designs and everything feels so alive, especially how monsters interact with the biomes and other monsters.

Not only it is much better than most of the previous titles, it is also much better than all its clones such as Toukiden or God Eater, so go ahead and play MHW! :)

نظام قتال خيالي

Played through it again and had a much better time just playing solo. Still many things I don't like but it was a great time