Reviews from

in the past

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I will never forgive this game for ditching the Dark Raiden storyline. Garbage decision in my opinion.

a linhagem da história dos MK's dessa fase (9, 10 e 11) foram bem genéricas em história, menos o 9 que eu gosto bastante. mas ainda sendo medíocre eu gosto demais da Kronika, dos personagens e reviravoltas dessa história.

a gameplay é muito boa, com combos legais e variação de personagem, os mapas são legais e eu gosto demais de alguns, as skins e variações de itens mudam nas skins também são bem interessantes e a kripta é impecável de boa. acho esse jogo muito bom, por mais que não seja perfeito ele é muito injustiçado

One of the best fighting games to play with a friend or family member.(Obviously) Super violent and gory. Finishers are really cool. Local games are super short too, so you won't lose much time.

Didn't play campaign tho so idk about that.

The Eminem/Game of Thrones of Fighting Games.

Still you can't deny that the game has great visuals, a lot more content then MK1 and the Story mode was fun (not as good as MK1 tho) but the game died very quickly and was only fun for the first few months. The DLC's were also dissapointing

UAU ELES VIERAM DO PASSADO... e isso não significa porra nenhuma

Oh shit! I forgot about this game!

I love Mortal Kombat, so I had to play this one....even if...on the Switch...

However, this version of the game still gets the job done surprisingly enough. The loading screens before matches will sometimes take a bit too long, the krypt is nearly unplayable whenever you are doing anything that isn't walking around and the game looks like shit.

Other than that, the game is still very fun and runs just fine so you kinda get used to the poor graphics quality. As for the game itself, well...Idk, I'm not a fighting games guy, but it's Mortal Kombat so I enjoyed it.

It's hype and I love playing it with friends and performing Mercy on each other. I get those more consistently than actual fatalities at least.

O game é divertido, mas não funciona se não tem ninguém para jogar, muito fácil quitar e não tem recompensas reais ou legais fora skins

Medíocre. A campanha é chata, mas a gameplay e, obviamente, os personagens são legais. Como eu disse, medíocre, ou seja, bem mediano