Reviews from

in the past

A implementação dos Key Games no MyCareer foi uma ideia boa, porque te ajuda a focar nas partidas que o jogo acredita serem as mais importantes da temporada, caso você não queira jogar a temporada inteira + playoffs.

O problema é que esses jogos são obrigatórios, então se o jogo acha que uma partida contra o pior time da temporada é um Key Game, tu vai ter que jogar, independentemente se o seu time tem 60 vitórias e o outro time tem 15.

[This log will be updated bunch of times as I’m playing this game and not sure when I’ll stop. Last update: May 5th, 2024]
Good: MyLeague Eras are amazing. Being able to play the league seasons with 2000s, 1990s, 1980s roster etc is awesome, at least for me. Some players have amazingly realistic animations and emotions.
Bad: every single time you run the game, it gives you a pop-up for some “new player cards they’ve added”. Sometimes it gives you a second pop-up right after you close the first one. One time, second pop-up appeared right at the moment when I pressed the button to choose “MyLeague” and it forwarded me to the PlayStation Store to buy the in-game currency.