Reviews from

in the past

I'm a fairly big NSMB defender, but this one is just so boring to play through. It took me months to finish just because I'd go week after week with zero desire to pick it up even just for a few more levels. The coin gimmick is fluff and I still dread tiny mushroom required areas/coins lol.

As is typical, the extra world (Star World in this case) is a lot of fun with a decent bit of challenge but even that is only 9 levels and some of them are still a breeze. Happy to say I've played through it, but I certainly will never return lol.

(Still checking off mastered even though I only got 4 out of 5 save file stars. I simply can't be bothered to quickly rack up the extra lives for that final star when I'm literally never going to touch this again lol.

I completed this shit in 4 hours when I was 11

Tem a responsividade e controle perfeito como qualquer Mário porém a falta de foco em um tema coeso faz com quê não seja um jogo muito memorável, além da arte do jogo não ser muito inspirada

joguei quando criança e desde criança eu sabia que não era tão bom

This game was just kinda nothing to me. The coin gimmick doesn't really do much for me and I honestly forget this on exists half the time...

Broke mfs hating on mario for getting his bag... SAD!