Reviews from

in the past

It was a game tailor made for me - loot goblin while in the Zone, meticulously upgrading my car in the garage. Story was filler and ultimately not that interesting; also not much value in continuing once you beat it.

Honestly a really good game but the main reason I have to give this a 2.5 and not a good rating is simply because of the devastating bugs I ran into while playing this on PS5. I should say that very rarely did I run into bugs but when I did they almost always involved mission items not spawning in or the game not registering that I interacted with them, which ended up bricking my save on two separate occasions. The most recent one having occurred 22 hours into the game and did not allow me to progress the story as the game did not register that I had picked up a blueprint related to the main story. I looked for solutions online and learned that this had bricked my save and that many other people also experienced this issue. Due to this I never beat the game despite being on the second last mission of the story. In conclusion my advice is get this game on sale or for full price its a really cool and creative experience but make sure to have backup saves and keep your eyes open for these bugs.

The game has an impeccable vibe to it. The gameplay loop was just starting to grow old to me when it finished.

The OST is superb and there are plenty of tension-filled moments.