Reviews from

in the past

I hate to say this but going back and replaying it this game was WAY too easy. Why didn't Adventure 2 give the zombies double health instead of the 3 plants thing?

Oh well, doesn't change how amazing the vibes and presentation this game has will always be.

A game from my childhood that I revisited recently. Super creative, flavorful, and funny storyline, characters, little quips here and there. It's clear the game was made with love. Quite a bit to do and very diverse gameplay types.

A bit of a short game and not much replay value. Easy to buy everything up and finish most post-game things without needing many coins so the garden, tree, etc. become pretty meaningless after a bit.

there are zombies on our lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn

GOTY e merecido! simples e ótimo pra passar o tempo

muitooooooooooo bom, compre! jogava quando tinha 7 anos e era realmente muito dificil e agora quando mais velho, ainda vejo dificuldade nesse jogão. otima forma de lidar com zombies

eu quando tem uma horda de zumbis no meu jardim

It's just a lot of fun. It feels like it was made by people who had a funny idea and played into that. Kinda wish there were less puzzle levels but doesn't ruin the game for me or anything.

The best tower deffense game ever done