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Bright Side of the Moon is the sixth and final episode of Sam & Max Save the World. This is the episode where it all wraps up, which it actually does in a good way!

In this episode Sam and Max finds out who is behind the mind control hypnosis, and it is the least likely person they would think of! By the request of the commissioner, they are now off to the moon - where you can find the American flag, a lunar lander and... something else. The storyline really feels like this is where it has lead all along, nothing really feels shoehorned in or rushed. While no new characters are introduced, the ones brought back are done so in a good way and there's even some plot twists regarding them!

The gameplay is per usual the same, however there is a mini game in this episode at last! The puzzles however in this episode are pretty entertaining, especially the final segement which I feel is the best way they could have done "the boss battle".

Overall, Save the World has been a good season and this final epsiode did a great job of wrapping it up in a neat fashion. I can't wait to see what the next season has to offer and I hope it is as good, if not better!