Reviews from

in the past

Had a lot of fun in the first half, but the later zones are just riddled with obnoxious bottomless pits and it really hurt the experience. Least the speed feels better in this than in 1.

game made me want to jump into a bottomless pit

Of the GBA trilogy, this one makes you question where are the platforms, everything is run

Terrible level design full of unfair bottomless pits and boss fights that are incredibly unenjoyable due to running requirements and unclear hit boxes. Definitely one of the worst Sonic games I've ever played. Absolutely atrocious.

Sonic Advance if it was bad and had the worst fucking bosses and level design you've ever seen in your life.

The screen crunch destroys this game. You move so quickly and enemy placement is so dogshit I genuinely just wish there weren't any enemies at all; the game would be more fun. Bosses start okay but get to be rather bullshit around the halfway mark. The level design itself isn't great because they had to try and accommodate for the screen crunch so, in an attempt to not make the game torture, they made it super automated, except for the parts where it isn't. Funnily enough, the parts where it isn't are the parts that're the least fun, because who would have thought when you can cross the distance of the whole screen in three frames that you wouldn't be able to react to a bottomless pit. Whoops. Skill issue, I guess.