Reviews from

in the past

Man, I wanted to like ARMS so much more: it hs an incredible presentation, amaing soundtrack and fantastic character designs. I think Nintendo wanted to sell it as "Splatoon's Switch cousin IP", since it was a cool IP at launch and it add free bonus content released over the upcoming months.

It was a cool idea to begin a new series..... too bad Nintendo dropped the ball on it too quickly.

THe gameplay is interesting and considering I am a big fan of Punch Out Wii, I really liked it and each character had a cool enough gimmick to make them stand out, even though there is not the same amount of gameplay variety compared to other fighting games.

And tdespite the incredible roster, the game really misses a story mode that ties everyone together, or at least gives more depth to this charming world.
I think one of the reasons Splatoon got so successful is the fact that it combined a cool gmeplay and online matches with an interesting setting and a story full of secrets and enthrilling lore. Here we got the great gameplay and online.... but in terms of the story there is not a lot going on: each character got a comment and artwork after finishing the arcade mode, you got some story about Dr. Coyle, Max Brass and Hedlok, and some cool arts to collect.... but honestly I kinda wish for so much more. I kinda wish the planned manga of ARMS was able to be released, because with what we got I don't think I am able to completely immerse myself into this new cool IP.

I remember trying this game thanks to the nintendo switch online, who made the title free for like a week.... and I personally felt that 1 week was just enough to enjoy all of the content ARMS had to offer..... which is kind of a shame.
It's not a bad game, if you are a fan of Punch out (or Wii sports Boxing) giving it a shot will be worthy..... but man I wish there was more to it.... Hoping for an ARMS 2!

ARMS was free to play as one of those NSO trial things for like a week or so, and I had my fill of it in that time. Beat the hardest difficulty of the arcade mode, fooled around online a bit, and that’s where my interest faltered and I felt like I had done everything the game had to offer, pretty much. It’s pretty fun, rather creative and in terms of presentation and personality, it has both down great! There’s just not much content to keep you engaged, so though I don’t regret playing it, the fact I had my fill during that trial period says it all.

Great concept, just not a ton to do. I sincerely hope Nintendo gives this one another shot.