Reviews from

in the past

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super charming game with a fun sense of humor and style, but it runs out of steam after the third chapter and has nothing new to show with its ideas for the next 3 hours or so, leaving quietly after one of those last minute Chose-Your-Endings.

it's absolutely worth playing but i think a lot of people get filtered by the mid point, the beefiest part of the game, and there's not a whole lot after that.

Absolutely adored this game, one of the most unique experiences I've had in a while. I love the different systems in this game and how they all feed into each other. It would be so easy to just stop at "type a word to do an attack!", but the added layers of riddles, treasure chest guessing games, and fishing for letters just fed into the core idea so well for me. There's definitely moments of tedium (typing "leave" every time you want to exit a convo, typing funny bug names hundreds of times, SOOTHE SOOTHE SOOTHE) but I think optimizing these things out would go against the spirit of the game.

I love the Cryptmaster and so many of the weird lil guy's I met along the way. I also really enjoyed the in-universe card game "Whatever." if that was it's own game on steam for like $3 I would've been happy with just that.

I haven't messed around with the voice-to-text or controller options, but it really stinks that most people won't play it because it's on PC and you need to be at your desk with a keyboard. I personally only played this game on the weekends, because I can't be at my desk after an 8 hour work day of being at my desk, but I looked forward to my long weekend sessions all week long. Everyone loves a pick up & play game, but I really enjoyed having the complete opposite. Each session felt like an excursion where I could only hop out when I felt like I had made a good amount of progress and found a good stopping point.

GOTY candidate for sure