Reviews from

in the past

i'm gonna be honest i forgot where i was, but i do remember i got lost in fourside. whoops.

this game copied toby fox and i will not have it

Then, what can we do next?

Earthbound's design revolves around this run-of-the-mill question.

It's here that I came to believe that Shigesato Itoi never trod the line of conformity not out of a desire to avoid convenient creative stasis, but rather to adamantly push what makes a videogame truly great: Sincerity elevated by a wealth of personality and bravado.

From the sudden, brash noise collages in its soundtrack to its cheeky yet gripping meta-commentary on larger topics that weren't supposed to be in a kid's playthings in 1994, it just never stopped making me smile and astonished. Even the subversive aspects in its dungeon layouts, narrative parallels, and thematically cohesive gameplay mechanics still caught me off guard, even after playing most modern games of today.

Being brave enough to experiment and turn it into a timeless classic supersedes a difficult feat. It's not always about the drive to innovate; sometimes, it's about the heart to create.

And most of all, it's about mothers. So I'm in.

Only played through the first two towns this time (will probably dive back in this summer) but still the funniest most heartwarming game around. All you have to do is survive the gameplay to enjoy the rest of it.

É a terceira vez que jogo isso do começo, e continua sendo uma experiencia incrivel e uma aventura muito divertida

This is the game that made me realize that an RPG didn't need to take place in a fantasy setting.

The whimsical world, the characters, art style, story, and especially the music by Keiichi Suzuki make for a truly memorable game.

In the US it came with a strategy guide, and in the back of that guide were collectible scratch-n-sniff cards. I can still smell the mole smell just like I can still hear the menu music.

Fuzzy Pickles!

Mucho se habla de que ñiñiñi Persona 5 sobrevalorado ñiñiñiñi Manolo Fantasy VII sobrevalorado. ESTE, ESTE ES EL VERDADERO SOBREVALORADO. El menos interesante de los 3, historia refrita del primer juego pero con unas 8 melodías vacías y sin chiste, personajes planos menos Po, y el típico cliché de los elegidos que con el poder de la amistad pueden con todo :3. Eso si, el jefe final culmina de una manera muy bella, pero me sigue pareciendo inferior a los otros dos.

number 1 most important thing about this game: why is Picky Minch the first character shown in the credits when he isn’t relevant to the story after the first 10 minutes? these are the REAL questions