Reviews from

in the past

i love climbing games, so this was an easy favourite. however the music, the artstyle, the lore around the world and the characters was plenty interesting too. i, however, really wish i couldve seen aftermath of the ending on the tower and the plains, wouldve been nice i think

No meio da jornada vc olha pra baixa e vê tudo o q vc já passou e olha pra cima e vê tudo q ainda tem pela frente, chega até a emocionar kkkk
Joguinho bem legal.

Fun but super easy, and the story is classically lame and the letters feel so unworthy of searching for.

Fine enough game that I didn't really love. It has some incredibly powerful vibes, but the gameplay could've been way more. I understand that might not have been the intent, but its such a shame that the climbing is so whatever. In most games climbing is just move stick up, some throw in a stamina bar to keep track of, but having to press the triggers in order to hold onto whatever was a pretty cool idea, and I enjoyed it, but the game has basically no challenge anyways. It gives you a nice tactile feel to play, but there's no real way to fail. You can't even start climbing without the game automatically putting a rope to prevent you from falling, and even if you somehow do, there's no fall damage. I suppose the challenge then is to find your way through, and I'll admit I felt lost a couple times, but it was never too hard to progress. For its short runtime, you do climb around very distinct places, and it was a joy to see this desolate ass world. The story was pretty scattered, its mostly on you to piece together what happened through reading letters from the former residents, all of which are presumably super dead now. I'll admit the ending left me a little confused, but I did miss some of the letters I suppose.

The environments were cool and the lore was interesting, but the climbing controls are genuinely terrible and so unfun. I made it to the middle of chapter 2 before I gave up.