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You are the king! King of what? Well, of your kingdom. However, you need some peons! Welcome to Kingdom: Classic (yes, the first of its name !)

So, in terms of gameplay and explanation. Every day, you must collect gold coins to improve your kingdom. You'll need to recruit builders, archers, and farmers. But... watch out for the nights when monsters come out to try to steal all your wealth! If the crown falls, it's game over for you ! The gameplay is quite simple; you really have 3 keys: left, right, and drop a coin. Simple gameplay but also quite repetitive, I'll come back to that for the achievements.

Graphics and Art Design:
In terms of graphics and art design, it's cute. I like pixel art, so the game already scores points with me. Same for the music, it's really chill, and during the blood moons (haha, I'll let you discover what that is), the music and atmosphere are really intense. The only downside is that even if you have a NASA PC, you may experience slowdowns as you progress. Indeed, around day 70, I experienced lag due to my hundreds of archers and hundreds of monsters on the screen. A small optimization issue from the game's side.

Achievements and Other Aspects:
Let's talk about achievements. You'll need patience and to restart your game several times. There's a small series of achievements to accomplish in the first 10 days (some are quite annoying), and then it's simply survival. As I mentioned earlier, the gameplay quickly becomes repetitive. For the last achievement, I waited more than 4 hours because there was really nothing left to do.

So, Kingdom: Classic is the first installment in the series. I assure you, it will improve over time with many more possibilities and new mechanics. It's really a first installment made for discovering the series. No DLC because, in fact, this game is available as free-to-play, so grab it !

My final score: 14/20
Recommendation: A little free game to grab and play to chill (or spend 20 hours of your life like me just to complete it).