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in the past

Meditation is exercise for the mind. You won't see benefits immediately, though you can feel a nice sense of calm and peace during and after a session. The real benefits come later, when you find yourself in a stressful situation and instead of acting rashly, you take a step back in that one second, like Neo stopping bullets, and say "No." You know what to say or do, because meditation gave you self-awareness, it slowed down time for you to make a choice in a moment that you were at peace with.

Playne is simply a tool to motivate you to meditate every day. I've often found myself losing discipline and breaking my meditation streaks. Sometimes I forget, sometimes I can't be bothered, sometimes life gets in the way. Playne entices the gamer in me. If I break my streak then the serene field will be reset and the wise fox will be disappointed in me.

The more you keep a streak going, the prettier the level looks. And ultimately you have to 'beat' the game to unlock 'Evolve' mode, which I've yet to discover, but essentially looks like a sandbox mode with first-person view. Exciting!

In an ideal world, you wouldn't need a video game to keep you motivated to do anything. But this isn't an ideal world, and I'll take any tool I can get to help me improve myself. Meditation has many scientifically-proven benefits. It can help you with depression, anxiety, and can help you recover from addiction. I can personally attest to this statement. When I meditate, I feel stronger mentally.

I do 'zazen' form of meditation. Simply counting my breath exhalations. Letting thoughts arise and flow away without fighting them. I don't explore the thoughts as you might in mindfulness meditation, I'm primarily concerned with defragging my mind and its messy insides.

Playne has a clean and polished interface. The world itself looks pretty, and everything works as it should. It's a gem at this price, and perhaps the only kind of game of its type on Steam right now.

I recommend googling meditation and its neurological benefits to your mind and body. Start small, just sit there for 1 minute and try not to think of anything. You'll find it impossible. Just go back to your breath and start counting from 1 to 10 again. When you feel comfortable, up your meditation to 5 minutes. Then 10. 15. 20. Keep going as far as you're comfortable with. I find a 20 minute meditation to be an incredible experience, it's like going into 'the zone', that intense moment of calm when doing sport or exercise or those crazy psychedelic levels in Wipeout.

Don't get frustrated when you realise your mind is chaotic. Going back to your breath, starting from 1 again and again, is part of the exercise. Like doing reps with weights. I think if more people meditated, if it was mandatory in schools for kids at a young age, if it wasn't considered 'exotic' but natural form of exercise, the world might be a less horrible place. Maybe. Give it a chance anyway. Peace!