Reviews from

in the past

You're talking to a top 100 NA Lucio Baller here

My most played game
never gets boring
can´t (dont want to) rate pure multiplayer games

It's addictive, but I hate it at the same time.

It's a good or even great game, but I can't ever play it for very long, it doesn't ever hold my interest for too long.

este juego no es para mi, no se me da bien calcular distancias, salto y la pelota me pasa por encima o por debajo del coche, BASTA

Sympa avc des potes mais jeu nul en vrai

May play with Pixx, Wheel or others

Car football with janky movement and infuriating gameplay

Eu me diverti só enquanto eu tava jogando online.

O jogo é bom só que as mecânicas são muito difíceis pra quem só jogaria isso casualmente.

I've played this game for hundreds of hours even though it hopelessly goes against what I like in art, with garish aesthetics, an awful soundtrack, and a userbase that somehow manages to make cars playing indoor soccer with bottle rockets strapped to their rears toxic as hell.

I think rocket league tickles my chimp brained desire for competitiveness and recalls when i'd play foozball with my dad growing up (house rules meant no limit to spinning the bars)

Pur skill et pur mécaniques.

Every game session in Rocket League gives you a new experience. You either have the smoothest experience in your life, or your latency reaches to 9000 ping like I have.

Hands down the best "esports" game out, in the fact that it emulates real sports. Gameplay is grueling and satisfying. The learning curve is huge with complex mechanics resulting in a quite diverse ranking system.

Unfortunately there are some downsides. After epic bought the developer things have gone downhill and they haven't done much to change course. Getting rid of player trading and crates in favor of stereotypical free to play cosmetics that cost a ridiculous amount took away a special aspect that no other game really had.

Luckily the game play hasn't changed and that's for the better. When you get pulled in, you won't stop playing for months. Get good and join a league, the competitiveness is unlike any other game I've played. There's always someone better than you, or can do a mechanic you can't. It's wild how in depth such a simple looking game becomes.

This game would be a 5 star all day if Epic didn't take more features away than they added.

One of the most brilliant games ever.

oh hell yeah. ive spent countless hours on this game because of how good it is. lots of variety and tons of fun with friends.