Reviews from

in the past

Amazing game.
The obvious is the aesthetics and soundtrack making a cohesive and immersive game. The spritework and art style is just phenomenal. Everything touches the comfort and vague memories from being younger. I never even touched this game I never would have beat it as a kid. Some puzzles are poorly designed, and the combat is difficult while dropping loads of information in such a short time. The games pacing leads to mechanics having little use time and the pacing is the one flaw. The ending was rushed and I don't enjoy being forced to replay and find secret files for story expansion. I wish they were there in the first run through. But the combat is top 5 combat systems in a game for me, it's addicting and I wanted to grind and change up moves. I never do this in rpgs. Story was amazing. Everything cancels out the flaws. would replay in the future.

Not for me but I respect it

Um ABSURDO esse jogo, muito bom e me lembro da época de moleque jogando e não sabendo o que fazer ao certo.

most fun characters, soundtrack and story ever. beating this a week after persona 5 killed me

rip neku you would’ve loved being a hater