Reviews from

in the past

While Rondo of Blood didn't reinvent the franchise, it did take everything good from the previous games and roll it into an excellent second round of Super Castlevania IV. The branching pathways, and addition of Maria as a playable character infused the game with enough fresh gameplay and exploration to keep it interesting while still keeping the familiar quality formula of the previous titles.

All of this was rounded out with the best visuals the series had seen to date and another stellar soundtrack. Easily one of the best action platformers of the 16-bit era.

Favorite classicvania I've played. Fine-tuned controls that are restrictive without feeling overly-rigid, sick backflip, goated ost, branching paths in levels with different bosses at the end of each, bosses do a "fuck you" finisher just cause it looks cool. Maria is way funner than a standard easy mode that just adjusts damage or something, she's also the only way I can beat this fucking game. God bless op little anime girl genotype

I made the grave mistake of thinking the skill curve would be easy to overcome. It took me too long to realize that I've got to play it in the same vein as Ghosts 'n' Goblins & Ninja Gaiden; TIME EVERY MOVE. Banger OST, stunning graphics, and an overall short & sweet game. This game is a gut-punch and a handshake.

This game is almost as good as I am bad at it

The most stylish and edgy Castlevania I’ve played yet. Excellent anime cutscenes with cheesy but cool voice acting. Nails the music with its funky yet spooky feel.

It’s probably the most difficult Castlevania so far, for me. I struggled with most bosses, especially the fight where 4 bosses in a row spawn. However, the Dracula fight was surprising easy.

Obviously, Bloodlines and Super Castlevania IV benefit from more powerful hardware, better graphics and level assets, but I can see why this one is most people’s favourite due to the above.

Symphony of the Night comes next!!