Reviews from

in the past

A FPS game which involves time travelling between the civil war, WW2 and the future. The story winds through time zones and involves attempts to correct the mistakes of the past. You can mow through enemy soldiers in the civil war with modern assault weapons and you even get an achievement for punching a horse. On paper, this game sounds fucking awesome. It's not. Now this game is a failure, but not for the usual reasons. As mentioned earlier the game has an interesting concept and the story is quite engaging. The game itself actually plays fairly well too. The controls work, it is easy to aim and hit the target. The weapons are pretty fun to use and it's nice jumping between different times keeping the gameplay fresh. The sections where you use automatic weapons in the civil war were so much fun. The issues mostly arise from the maps themselves. Now most levels are quite open often forested area. This is quite a change from the more linear sections we see in FPS campaigns like Call of Duty. The problem is, these open maps mean you are never forced into areas which are set up for fun battles. Most of the time you have no cover and enemies are coming from all sides leaving you running around in circles trying to shoot them. You do have some teammates to help you but it's pretty hard to distinguish them from the enemy, especially in low light areas. It feels more like a hunting game than an FPS and it really removes a lot of the fun and tactical elements of great shooters. They also really messed up some of the most basic elements of the game. The sound is really poor. I was unable to hear most voices and had to resort to subtitles. However, these subtitles were pretty useless as they were difficult to read on the light backgrounds. This is an issue with all the texts in the game and even the game map. It's basic errors like this that are really hard to accept. Now, I'm normally a fan of these games but I really could not get into this. Cool concept done very poorly.