Reviews from

in the past

This is a weird one. It features some wonderful animation from Don Bluth that's always a delight to watch. But gameplay wise it's more like an interactive movie you complete through trial and error. The game gives you a very small window of time to react and sometimes there's little indication of what button you need to press. Basically, it's an entire game of quick time events. At least you get to watch a fun death animation each time you die.

Of course, you could always play this game with a guide telling you exactly what to press and when, which I'd honestly recommend. This one's more for the spectacle than the gameplay.

Non ho mai pensato fosse un brutto gioco, anzi credo che il modo in cui abbia spinto ad una immersività quasi ossessiva nella storia sia un pregio narrativo. Il mio problema nasce solamente con le ripetizioni di alcune scene, oltre a ciò sottolineo che la mia esperienza non ha comportato alcuna perdita economica e credo sia il principale motivo per cui non l'ho odiato