Reviews from

in the past

witness the speed of my chariot

je prend n'importe qui sur ce jeu et je l'encule oui je suis fan de Dutroux et alors ?

This is the game every kart racer wants to be. The success of this game mainly comes down to the fact that anyone can pick up and play, and that everyone already knows who Mario is. The mechanics are simple enough for the newbies, and advanced enough for people who want some challenge. With that being said, Mario kart has always been a game of luck. The thrill of being in last then getting an overpowered item to blast to first is unmatched.

Pos es el Mario carros actual

En lo personal no me gusta x'd Pero pues es lo que hay

Really good but also rly basic

This game is only good for beeriokart and the fact that I can play as Link. Other than that I have never been that big of a fan of party esque games and I'm kind of shit at mario kart. So I can see why this game should be considered as one of the greats, but for me it's not all there.

Going for gold three Stars on everything but even before setting off on that grind this is one of, if not the best, Mario Kart game, and probably one of the best Party games on the Switch

When was the last time you were hanging with friends and they weren’t down for Mario Kart?

I love this game so much. This is kart racing at its absolute finest. The controls are super smooth, it looks better than Mario Kart ever has, you can finally play against people online, and it's perfectly balanced so people with skill have an edge but your little brother/sister can still keep up.

The original was great, the one keeps it and adds more content

If it weren't for the DLC tracks this would have gotten a lower score than the Wii U version, it's just a port of the old game sold for full price again, but now you can't say no to the sheer size of tracks avaiable to play (and since the online has been shutdown on Wii U this is where you want to challenge your online friends)

when i was 9 years old and got this with my brand new switch i looked up how to unlock everything, including the gold wheels. i heard that you needed to beat every single employee ghost on 200cc. i only played this game in that context for 300 hours over 6 years until i finally finished the most challenging racing game ever. i unlocked nothing. apparently i was supposed to have been playing on 150cc the whole time. turns out that the 150cc ghosts were actually designed for kids to be able to beat them and i unlocked the gold wheels 3 hours after i realized my entire reality had been pointless.

There is so much variety in this game with the DLC included that it makes for a wonderful party game while still allowing for some skill expression if you want to take it a bit more seriously. I don't know how you top this going into the next Nintendo system.

Just a really fun game. It didn't click for me until I did a 200cc race and realized how much the game changes at that speed. It's so fun to drift and brake around corners perfectly. The driving is so fast paced it makes it enjoyable to do the same races over and over again. Online play is solid as well. Looks incredible on the switch at 60 fps.

Possui conteúdos adicionais da versão original além de ter 2 slots para itens, bom jogo.

loved beating my boomer family at this game

this game was pretty good when it came out... 10 YEARS AGO

still selling for $60 dollars btw, get your shit together Nintendo.

Não tem jogo mais estressante que esse

It's Mario kart what more do you want

Having the already great 8th, but re-released with all the DLC unlocked is great package. Additionally, I enjoyed all the extra cups added as even more DLC, for a pretty reasonable price. The only reason for not giving it 5/5 stars, is due to the ever-present lackluster single player options. As a party game, it stands tall, just as expected.

Simple but fun driving controls, 12 player multiplayer, and the best soundtrack in the franchise. Especially with the new DLC, this is probably the perfect party game.

100% (gold)
So good, we didn't need another for 10 years and counting