Reviews from

in the past

I don't think I'm enjoying this one. I was told that Transiruby is a metroidvania, and I guess it just barely qualifies, but it reminds me more of that japanese subgenre of "not quite MVs", including games like Cave Story and the games Ladybug made before they started making actual MVs.

See, Transiruby is a collectathon split into areas where each individual area is kind of a mini-MV, where you have to collect 50 coins to unlock access to the next area and repeat. Along the way, you might get a double jump or other MV-style abilities, so you can go back and get even more collectables in the previous area. That's really about it. Search every corner for coins, figure out the path to them, obtain them, unlock new area, repeat.

It's got cute graphics, plays well, sounds good and all that, but I wasn't really looking for a side-scrolling hide and seek game where both exploration and combat are rather simplistic and easy. This game is like what if Batbarian or La-Mulana were easy and explained themselves instad of being obtuse and difficult, and I still don't like the aimless wandering around style design just because it's less obtuse and annoying. Skipping out on this one.