Reviews from

in the past

Esse jogo eu zerei a MUITO tempo junto ao meu pai. Não me lembro de quase nada sobre o game, porém lembro de ter gostado de jogar e me divertido. Na época meu pai fazia quase tudo pois eu era bem pequeno e não tinha muita noção das coisas, então quero jogar novamente para poder relembrar e sentir aquela nostalgia. Pelo que eu lembro o jogo é muito bom, então se tiver a oportunidade eu recomendo!

Maybe I'll go back to this someday just to see how it finishes. Should only be a few play sessions long.

liked the animation style and format of the game but just wish there was more of an open world element.

it was fun, i wanna finish it some day

When it came to Adventure Time videogames, my plan was originally to watch through the series and play the games when I got up to them - kinda like how I've been doing with SpongeBob, but I dropped that idea once I realised how much of an undertaking it would be to rewatch a show as big as this and decided instead to just watch the recently released Fionna and Cake series and play all of them afterwards, like I'm planning on doing with Indiana Jones.

Upon finishing the series yesterday I found out how much of a grind playing through and 100%-ing "Explore the Dungeon..." would be, so I've now relegated it to the position of "Background Noise" game, a game I'll only play to keep my hands busy while I listen to music for other review sites (which also features "Tetris Effect", "Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit", and "Sonic Spinball").

2015's "Finn and Jake Investigations" is I believe the first 3D entry in the game series and to be completely honest it might have been better if it was 2D since it's essentially a point-and-click adventure game.

The game features five "episodes", each with three levels, and I imagine it would be quite fun if you did the thinking.
Unfortunately, though, getting the 100% here may require you to look for a guide as if you miss even one collectible you'll have to replay the entire game up to the point you missed.

If you want to go through the game blind and have fun with it, but you also want to get the 100, you'll most likely have to play through the game a second time with a guide or something.
This game would really benefit from an episode select menu.

The combat is okay, although I never really understood it (there's no "health" bar other than the boys getting bruises, and they mention loot which I don't think exists), the swords you earn don't really do much and I don't even know if you can swap them around.

This would definitely be fun if tinkered with just a little.
Maybe I just needed a guide that actually gave me some freedom...

If you like Adventure Time, you'll probably enjoy this. It's got a decent enough story and the investigating is alright. The combat while not the most plain does eventually start to get old whenever it shows up, feeling like something that was just tacked on to give you more to do besides just pick stuff up, combine things, and talk to people. It's not awful, at least having variety with the four different Jake specials you get, but near the end, I just found myself wanting to get the combat done with whenever it popped up so that I could get back to the main game.

Of the two Adventure Time games I have played so far, this is the one that I am more anticipating being a short, yet fun playthrough. My sister introduced me to this, but I haven't had the chance to truly dive into it yet. Hoping to change that soon!

I played this game when I was a kid, and it was the first time I found out that video games are able to be bad.

an alright game with cool adventure time characters and environments, but very shallow in gameplay

I've never even watched adventure time why did i play this