Reviews from

in the past

(played as part of ATARI 50)

Pretty successful SCRAMBLE clone for Atari computers, with a couple little twists. Feels good, challenge is about right, and the whole descend the cave/set the bomb/fly back up and escape thing is cool. I think this and RIVER RAID are about as good as you could expect on these systems in a pre-GRADIUS world.

Played as part of Atari 50.

Decent concept, but the fire/sprite limit is annoying to deal with since you fire two bullets at once, along with the player ship's stupidly large hitbox and slow and repetitive restocking periods. I know this is a 1981 game and for the time there wasn't a ton to compare this to, but in retrospect it's very primitive and not interesting or historically important enough to balance that out

Lunar Lander but with shooting. Changing the direction of the scrolling doesn't really do much to hide the fact that this is a very basic shooter.